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Personal Branding

Great stories happen to those who can tell them

The "Personal Branding" Training is intended for anyone who has a position or a profession with high visibility. We are thinking of freelancers, sales employees, business leaders, managers, PR and communication managers, job seekers and anyone who wants to show a strong, positive and authentic image.


What is personal branding?


" Every offer creates its own demand " is a well-known quote from economy. If this applies to people, personal branding is important for everyone. By presenting yourself as a clear brand, you create your own market and your own opportunities .

Branding for yourself uses the same laws that are also used for 'business brands'.


What matters:

  • To create a strong brand and a good story that ensures that you are associated with the 'right' image (your service or unique added value ),

  • That it is completely clear what you stand for

  • That you are aware of the way you communicate and what people see from you .


In our "just act normal" culture it feels a bit strange for many people to sell yourself as a brand

My advice would be: don't act normal, otherwise you are ... normal. 'Ordinary' is not what we strive for with our personal branding, so ignore the voice in your head that tells you to be modest, that you will be seen as arrogant if you stand out for your qualities and dare to promote yourself directly or indirectly.


If you have exceptional skills and talents: recognise it, cultivate it . Relate your name to the things you stand for,


As a personal branding coach I help you as a sparring partner with personal conversations, critical questions, practical tools, exercises and assignments.

I help you as an entrepreneur or manager with the search for: who am I, what do I want to show, how do I put authenticity in it?

Personal branding is finding your strength, what makes you unique and communicating it.




- Brainstorm:

Personal branding is about who you are and gives you the tools to market yourself in a unique, appealing way.

What makes you special? What do you think is unique about yourself? What do others find unique about you? What can you? What do you want to mean to others?


- Value determination:

Based on the answers and topics you wrote down in the first step, we now determine your most important

values. What is really important to you? Examples of important values ​​are: knowledge, honesty, expertise, creativity, etc.


- Distinctiveness

Determine your 'unique' in relation to what you want to create your personal brand for. Do you, as a copywriter, also have a technical background, or are you a lawyer and have you done social work for years?

Maybe you speak a special language or you have a special interest.

Write down everything that makes you unique, so that you can include these aspects in your personal brand.


- Positioning:

When creating your personal brand, it is also important to consider how you want others to see you.

How do you want to appear? Do you want to be remembered as the cheapest freelancer, the manager who always achieves his objectives, or do you prefer that people see you as an expert in the field of networking ?

What topic do you want people to think of you immediately? Which specialty do you have, or which specialty do you want to develop further so that people will think of you in the future when they need something in that area?

Determining a specialty may seem limiting, but it does give you a much better focus. This will bring you and your brand more benefits in the long run.


- Target group determination:

You can't be everything to everyone. Therefore, determine your target groups and delineate this group well. Do you focus your services or products on business customers or private customers? In which sector are those customers? Do your customers belong to a certain age category, or are they in a specific situation?

By asking yourself these questions and defining a clear target group, you can propagate your personal brand in the right way and in the right circles


- The message:

Now it is important to convert this information into a short, active sentence that appeals and motivates you time and time again.

Note: you don't necessarily have to share this phrase with others, it is primarily a phrase that helps you focus on your own brand and work from there.
Using this phrase, you can then create a 'customer-centric' version that will make them think of you right away when they need something related to you. Make sure that you also incorporate your values ​​as well as possible in this sense!


- Talk the talk, walk the walk

You created your personal brand in the previous steps. But a personal brand is worthless if you don't live by it. As a well-known English saying goes: 'talk the talk, walk the walk', or: do what you say.

From now on, spread your brand everywhere. On your website, on forums, on LinkedIn, Facebook, on Twitter , during network meetings, everywhere.





  • insight into your strengths

  • You discover your personal vision, mission, passions and motivations

  • Strengthen your distinctive character

  • Learn to develop your own personal image action plan

  • Gain insight into your blind spots

  • Learn to emphasize your strengths even better




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